Relevance & Resonance for Christian Brands

The world is changing

And so are the wants, needs, ideas, motivations, and actions of today’s Christians — especially younger ones.

Many brands are struggling to stay relevant & resonant as societal, technological, and generational changes continue to shape the marketing landscape.

Perhaps your brand isn't resonating with the next generation, or you’re feeling the pressure to “get with the times”. Perhaps you don’t know how to weave the right line between overtly branding your Christian ethos — intentionally cutting against a secular worldview — or choosing to create a wider appeal that can resonate in a secular world that maintains a genuine & humble underpinning of Christ-led culture.

What we hear most from the clients we serve is the real concern over losing existing audiences if the brand changes to appeal to a younger crowd. And the reality that it happens.

The struggle is real; the solution is New Salt & New Wine.

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”

Matthew 5:13

We believe the key to Relevance & Resonance in today’s world, for today’s Christians, lies in bringing something new & timely to the table.

This is what Brand Architecture & Subbranding are all about.

Your long-term survival demands brand management and contemporary branding that delivers bold expressions crafted to engage new audiences with relevance — all while preserving your current supporter & customer base. Sometimes this means becoming a house of brands to manage the risk.

We’re at a tipping point where simply launching a campaign or adjusting your message is not going to be enough to connect with today's younger Christians.

You’re going to need to change the way your brand exists and engages in the marketplace, but VERY carefully.

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine & ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that both are preserved.”

Matthew 9:17

The stakes are high

You must ask whether you are showing up for the next generation in ways that will fully engage them while preserving the ways the current generation engages and understands you.

After all, a good brand is only good if people actually care about what you represent and the experience you offer. If you don’t matter to a person, they won’t choose you.

You have the potential to be truly relevant & powerfully resonant — but it’s on you to make it happen.

Define it and live it out consistently, and you will both reach new audiences and retain existing ones better. 

Let the market define it for you and you will be just another Christian brand doing great work that no one knows or cares about. That sounds harsh, but with more and more competition out there for attention, it is increasingly true.

We believe today’s relevance & resonance problem for Christian brands is absolutely solvable. 

Your Starting Team

  • Jef Miller - Creative


    Jef brings award-winning expertise in brand strategy & design, innovation & automation, research, integrated digital marketing, fundraising, event marketing, and environmental design to the table. Jef has a track record for helping brands effectively reach new markets through thoughtful experiences, bold ideas, brand storytelling, and high-impact design.

    He has crafted non-profit and tech startup brands and subbrands from the ground up including Backyard Broadcast, MomPossible, Convoi, World Children’s Day, and Peer Summit, and worked on brand and experience design projects for corporations like Intel, Salesforce, McAfee, Facebook, NeuroPace, and Fork Films.

  • Kay Edwards - Research


    Kay brings more than 30 years of national leadership in research for faith-based and mission-driven organizations to the table. Her research team of expert interviewers, focus group facilitators, data scientists, program evaluators, and product developers can quickly see patterns and derive meaning in complex situations.

    She has helped hundreds of C-level leaders see their audiences and markets more clearly, helping them efficiently assess new opportunities and solve strategic challenges. She and her team have provided customer research, market analysis, planning, and organizational development to both for-profit and nonprofit brands including Cru, Chick-Fil-A, InterVarsity, and Thrivent.

  • Steve Brock - Strategy


    Steve brings industry-leading brand strategy, innovation, and social-minded marketing (constituent activation for nonprofits and corporate social responsibility for corporations) to the table. Steve Brock is a bedrock name in Christian branding with decades of delivering powerful brand experiences for hundreds of organizations under his belt.

    He has led branding & innovation projects for major corporations like Microsoft, Walmart, Rain Bird, and Safeco Insurance and nonprofit organizations such as the American Bible Society, Cru, American Red Cross, Compassion International, Focus on the Family, The Salvation Army, and World Vision.

  • Anna Velasco - PR


    Anna brings publicity, PR, influencer engagement, and production to the table. Her unique set of skills honed in Foreign Affairs has propelled her to represent major corporations like Danone & Pepsi, various non-profits, and start-ups.

    She represents brands, artists, authors, musicians, and talent, and knows how to create buzz. Her expertise in production has led her to produce hit television shows including top-rated daily morning and late-night talk shows (which we can’t disclose), feature films, commercials for networks including National Geographic, CBC (Canada) and NBC/NBC Universal, and live events including the Super Bowl and several Olympics.